Auto body painting
auto body painting is a serious part of putting your automobile back together after an accident. When it comes to painting your automobile, who can you trust doing it, but the Body Shop Sears. We have been in the business of putting customers auto body painting needs first. Its a priority after you’ve been in an accident to make sure the auto body shop that is completing your auto body repair, is the best auto body painting shop you can find. We have the latest technologies to make sure that the painting is an exact match to your vehicle.
You might even have an older car, and not been in an accident, and you just want to make that car look brand new. Hey not every one can afford a new car, so come to the Body Shop Sears or give us a call today at 516-933-7327 so we can talk about your auto body painting needs.
What if you have a leased vehicle and its time to return it, your cars got dings and dents, and more importantly the paint has chipped off, well now is the time to take advantage of the great options we have for you at the Body Shop Sears by checking out the great painters who can do the best auto body painting for your cars needs.
We service auto body repair work from Montauk to Manhattan, come in today and speak with one of our experts to get a free estimate on your auto body repair needs. We are located at 414 N Wantagh Ave, in Bethpage NY 11714 if your a new customer we offer $200 off your deductible on any auto collision repair work. If your a returning customer we would like to reward you for a referral, check out our $100 Amex Gift Card program for any new referral to the Body Shop Sears. As always it is a pleasure servicing your Auto Body Shop needs and we look forward to meeting you.